Alda Afsah, Julian Charrière, Albrecht Dürer, Francisco De Goya, Andreas Greiner, Jenna Sutela, Analisa Teachworth, Jol Thoms, Sung Tieu, And Jonas Wendelin, Curated by Jonas Wendelin
DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM is pleased to present a group show titled OTHERING, curated by JONAS WENDELIN and featuring art and installation from YALDA AFSAH, JULIAN CHARRIÈRE, ALBRECHT DÜRER, FRANCISCO DE GOYA, ANDREAS GREINER, JENNA SUTELA, ANALISA TEACHWORTH, JOL THOMS, SUNG TIEU, and JONAS WENDELIN. The exhibition opens on the occasion of GALLERY WEEKEND BERLIN 2022, APRIL 29–MAY 1, 2022. The ten artists explore how certain lives—human and nonhuman—are designated as alien, and the possibilities of forging relationships across the yawning chasm of self and other.

JONAS WENDELIN, Involution, 2022. Set of two, Shino glazed, reduction fred ceramic sculptures, with aluminum, metal wire, LED lights, 47 x 47 x 47 cm / 18 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 18 1/2 in (each) © Jonas Wendelin. Image courtesy DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin. Photo, Jonas Wendelin

JONAS WENDELIN, Involution, 2022. Set of two, Shino glazed, reduction fred ceramic sculptures, with aluminum, metal wire, LED lights, 47 x 47 x 47 cm / 18 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 18 1/2 in (each) © Jonas Wendelin. Image courtesy DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin. Photo, Jonas Wendelin
Oneself is the experience of all others’ perspectives
Jonas Wendelin, 2022
Othering is alterity in the active voice—the often violent process of designating a body as alien, which frequently precedes and accompanies social exclusion. But it is also the necessary precondition for any politics, good or bad. The possibility of hospitality is predicated on the unexpected arrival of a stranger; only be deciding to rename them as my guest can I assume the identity of a welcoming host. Ethics emerge on this threshold: without the other, there is no self.

JULIAN CHARRIÈRE, The Gods Must Be Crazy, 2019. 49-channel multimedia installation, found underwater footage, 5:4 aspect ratio, 5’30”. Edition of 3 + 1 AP. Copyright, Julian Charrière, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany. The Gods Must Be Crazy, InstallationView, All We Ever Wanted Was Everything And Everywhere, MAMbo, Bologna_Italy, 2019. Photo, Jens Ziehe

JENNA SUTELA, Underfoors rose through a stem. 2020. C-print photogram face mounted on diasec, framed 150 x 120 cm / 59 x 47 1/4 in, Unique. Copyright Jenna Sutela, Images Courtesy DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin

JOL THOMS, Radio Amnion (model), 2021. 40 X 40 X 40 cm, Glass, Brass, Aluminum, Steel, Rubber, Electronics, and soundwork Edition, Unique in Series. Copyright Jol Thoms
The exhibition, Othering, features the work of twelve artists that explore, in various ways, how certain lives—human and nonhuman—are designated as alien, and the possibilities of forging communication, recognition, and solidarity across the yawning chasm of self and other.
Nicholas Korody, 2022

Exhibition view, Othering, 2022, DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin. Photo, Jens Ziehe

Exhibition view, Othering, 2022, DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin. Photo, Jens Ziehe
Why should our bodies end at the skin, or include at best other beings encapsulated by skin?
Donna J. Haraway, 1999

Exhibition view, Othering, 2022, DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin. Photo, Jens Ziehe

Exhibition view, Othering, 2022, DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM, Berlin. Photo, Jens Ziehe