Lili Theilen, Nils Ben Brahim
It's Memories That We Steal
Opening – 12 APR 2024, 6-9 pm

Kristina Schuldt
Opening – 26 APR 2024, 6-9 pm

Kristina Schuldt
Weintropfen, 2024
Öl und Eitempera auf Leinwand
110 x 90 cm
courtesy Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin
Foto: Uwe Walter, Berlin
Rough and elegant, beautiful and grotesque, strong and fragile, vibrant and dispiriting, successful and failed. Such are the perpetual interplays that play with equilibrium in what we recognize as life. For Kristina Schuldt, they function as elements of a language through which she examines and seeks to explain about disorder, randomness, and uncertainty of everyday experiences. Her sturdy muses clutch withering flowers or valiantly navigate in high heels, pure metaphors for personal experiences, coded visuals that represent the human condition.
Saša Bogojev
Something or someone is always in motion in the images of Kristina Schuldt (*1982 in Moscow, lives and works in Leipzig). People, body parts, hair, plants. She works with a repertoire of forms and styles that is reminiscent of what she might have seen somewhere, but does not reveal whether it was an image from the internet, a photo from a magazine, a situation on the street or a figure from an illustrated book on classical modernism or cubism. Because in parts all these sources find their way into her paintings. The movement and energy in her work result not only from the melting body shapes, the strong, tubular legs and hands surrounded by virulent swirls of colour, but also from a principle that has been used in painting since Modernism: multi-perspective. In her work, Schuldt has been placing image fragments next to each other, as if zooming in and out of the picture, fragmenting the surface into blurred details consisting only of abstract colour gradients, or reinserting parts that belong together in different places on the canvas, as if in a jumbled puzzle.
I think sometimes I wish that the painting would be like a film, like a movie. When you make it fragmented, it gives a little bit the feeling that it’s moving, that you’re watching something from different perspectives. Also, when you remember something, I think it’s also fragmented. This is what it’s about in oil paintings, always thinking of something and then finding a picture to save it, and to make it a universal thing that everyone can understand.
Kristina Schuldt

Kristina Schuldt
Junge Triebe, 2021
Oil and egg tempera on canvas
220 x 190 cm
courtesy Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin
Photo: Uwe Walter, Berlin