with works by Anna Boghiguian, Candice Breitz, CATPC, Alice Creischer, Chto Delat, Clegg & Guttmann, Heinrich Dunst, Estate of León Ferrari, Peter Friedl, Sophie Gogl, Barbara Hammer, Ramon Haze, Hiwa K, Simon Lehner, Mario Pfeifer, Dierk Schmidt, Michael E. Smith, Franz Erhard Walther, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, Anna Ehrenstein & Rebecca Pokua Korang, Sophia Eisenhut & Max Eulitz, Hudinilson Jr., Pınar Öğrenci, Helena Uambembe

8 SEP until 16 NOV 2024
Opening – 7 SEP, 11 am

New address: 
10785 BERLIN

KOW, Kurfürstenstraße 145 I Entrance Frobenstrasse, Berlin. Photo: Ladislav Zajac. 

KOW celebrates its 15th anniversary and opens new spaces in Berlin’s Kurfürstenstraße with a group exhibition.

Chto Delat, Signal Flags, 2021, detail, courtesy the artist and KOW, Berlin. Photo: Chto Delat. 

In the midst of turbulent times, we look at the vulnerable. With fragile, thoughtful, but also nervously vibrating works, the exhibition traces defenselessness and finds remarkable strength in artistic approaches that courageously demonstrate how vulnerable human bodies and human orders are. By highlighting vulnerabilities – our own and those of others – the works in the exhibition create moments of empathy and make hardened fronts touchable again.

Jointly curated by the KOW team, current and historical works from the gallery’s program come together, expanded by guests.