Wenn ich Euch verraten könnte
by Lea Draeger

Ökonomische Päpste und Päpstinnen [Economical Popes], 2015–2021
Ballpoint pen, lacquer on transparent paper on paper in clip frame
each 14,8 x 10,5 cm
Photo: Ludger Paffrath

Ökonomische Päpste und Päpstinnen [Economical Popes], 2015–2021
Ballpoint pen, lacquer on transparent paper on paper in clip frame
each 14,8 x 10,5 cm
Photo: Ludger Paffrath
For Gallery Weekend Berlin 2022 Lea Draeger will present her series “Ökonomische Päpste und Päpstinnen” [Economical Popes] in their preliminary entirety for the first time. The installation will spread across the walls and floors throughout the former Crematorium Wedding’s Westhalle, at Ebensperger and Luxoom Lab.
Already in January, Lea Draeger’s debut novel “Wenn ich euch verraten könnte” [If I Could Betray You] will be published by hanserblau. This text is the literal equivalent of her papal and, above all, female papal legion, which has initially been conceived as a series of “1000 Ökonomische Päpste” and now consists more than 5.000 postage stamp-sized portraits of popes and female popes.
Gallery Weekend Berlin Journal presents – in advance and exclusively – some excerpts from this novel, in connection with a few portraits from the said series.
On Sunday, January 23, 2022, at 8:30 p.m., Lea Draeger will present her novel at Maxim Gorki Theater, Container, Festungsgraben 2, 10117 Berlin. The evening will be hosted by Shelly Kupferberg. You can book your tickets here, and you can pre-order your own copy there.

1000 ökonomische Päpste [1000 Economical Popes], 2015-2018
Ballpoint pen, lacquer on transparent paper on paper in clip frame
each 14,8 x 10,5 cm
Exhibition view: Ebensperger Berlin, January 2018
Photo: Ludger Paffrath
Lea Draeger, born 1980, is a visual artist, author and actress. Since 2015 she has been a permanent ensemble member at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, and before that at the Schauspielhaus Bochum and the Berliner Schaubühne, among others. She was awarded with the Daphne Prize, the audience award for best up-and-coming actress at Berlin theaters in 2010. Since 2012, her illuminated artist books have been published by the Hybriden-Verlag Her visual work has been shown several times at Ebensperger in Berlin, Graz, Vienna and Salzburg; at the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; at the Friedrichshof Collection, Zurndorf/Vienna; at the 4th Berlin Autumn Salon.

Lea Draeger, 2021
Photo: Kristin Rosenhahn