11 Sep –
31 Oct 2020
Victor Man
Die Rose ist ohne Warum. Sie blühet weil sie blühet
Victor Man
Die Rose ist ohne Warum. Sie blühet weil sie blühet

Victor Man, A lelkek temetöje, der Friedhof der Seelen, 2019. Courtesy: the artist, Galerie Neu, Berlin, and Fondazione Memmo, Rome. Photo: Stefan Korte

Victor Man, Self Portrait With The Yellow Shadow of Christ, 2019. Courtesy: the artist, Galerie Neu, Berlin, and Private Collection, Athens. Photo: Mathias Schormann
“‘The contemporary,’ wrote the philosopher Giorgio Agamben, ‘is he who firmly holds his gaze on his own time so as to perceive not its light, but […] its darkness.’ For the Romanian painter Victor Man,such atemporal darkness is a signature style. […] Man’s sensibility displays an otherworldly, and at times psychoanalytic, dimension coursing with subterranean energies.”
David Geers, Frieze Magazine, 2018

Victor Man, Published on the occasion of Die Rose ist ohne Warum. Sie blühet weil sie blühet at Galerie Neu, Berlin, September 2020
Texts by Rachel Corbett, Enzo Cucchi, Erwin Kessler, Karl Holmqvist
Published by Galerie Neu and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther & Franz König
ISBN 978-3-96098-869-4