12 Sep –
14 Nov 2020
Helen Mirra
ĉielarka aktivec’
Helen Mirra
ĉielarka aktivec'

Helen Mirra, Oktobro, fire basket, for Marjetica Potrč, 2019. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nordenhake Berlin/Stockholm/Mexico City
Small chance-determined and color-spectrum-following weavings. Either with an undyed warp and colored weft, or a colored warp and undyed weft. The Tibetan Buddhist concept of the’rainbow body’ similarly conveys the idea of cessation and vibrancy not being divergent.
“Though I have described myself as a walking experiment, I don’t know what it means, exactly. Walking doesn’t mean anything to me, it doesn’t signify anything outside of itself. And what about the experiment part? It means I don’t know where I’m going. I just try to take care of the elements I find myself with, trusting it will lead onward, without trying to control the outcome. I could also say I am a woven experiment. Meaning, I’m made of vertical elements, such as wakefulness and independence, and horizontal ones, such as interdependence and rest. And these things combine in familiar and changing ways. The relationship between the walking and weaving for the past few years has been all-important for me, and not-visible. Both activities are simple, basic, fundamental to our species. And paradoxically they lead me away from a speciest perspective, towards a trans-species one.”
Helen Mirra

Helen Mirra, Junio, 2020. Linen, wool. 61 x 31 x 1 cm | 24 x 12 1/4 x 1/2 in.
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nordenhake Berlin/Stockholm/Mexico City

Helen Mirra, Julio, 2019, Linen. 79 x 56 x 3 cm |31 x 22 x 1 1/4 in. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nordenhake Berlin/Stockholm/Mexico City

Helen Mirra, Februaro, 2020, linen, mushroom-dyed wool and silk, 68.5 x 32 x 1 cm |27 x 12 2/3 x 1/2 in. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nordenhake Berlin/Stockholm/Mexico City