Published 3 SEP 2024

Rebecca Morris

Opening – 13 SEP 2024 at 6 pm
14 SEP until 26 OCT 2024

Rebecca Morris
Studio view, Los Angeles, 2024
Courtesy of the artist and Trautwein Herleth, Berlin

Rebecca Morris’ fifth solo exhibition with the gallery is titled #33. Through her inventive imagery, use of materials, and persistent questioning of the medium’s conventions, Rebecca Morris has reinvigorated abstract painting. Morris’ practice demonstrates a rigorous commitment to experimentation and abstraction. Her canvases are complex – at once loose and expansive – yet considered and controlled. Her work, as well as her writings on art, reveal Morris’ character – a sense of confidence and a commitment to challenging the boundaries of painting. A survey exhibition curated by Jamillah James was held at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and traveled to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, in 2023. The exhibition was accompanied by a major monograph of over 260 pages.

Rebecca Morris
Untitled (#06-24), 2024
oil and spray paint on canvas
223.5 x 210.8 cm | 88 x 83 in
Courtesy of the artist and Trautwein Herleth, Berlin